Professional Blog Hosting
with Unlimited Features

The best thing is that AppliedHost is Green. AppliedHost servers utilize energy from the national grid same as all web hosting company. We must utilize energy from the national grid to be certain that we have a continuous power for our servers and to make sure that they would not be interrupted by lack of power. Regrettably more than 70% of the power that run through our national grid today was produced by eco-killing technologies like coal and nuclear.

To compensate this polluting power we utilize from the national grid and we purchase wind energy credits for the energy we consume from the grid. In fact we replace, with wind power, 3 times the amount of energy used by our servers, so if we utilize 1X of power from the grid we purchase enough wind energy credits to put back into the grid 3X of power having been produced by wind power.

In addition to purchasing wind energy credits AppliedHost works on all of our servers and reconfigures them so that they run more efficiently using less energy and running cooler. What this means is less energy consumption on the server as well as less energy needed to cool the server. These attentions to detail on the servers allow us to be more energy efficient in our data centers, but we don't stop there.

AppliedHost' commitment to going green extends beyond our own company and the customers we serve. We look at the direction of the web hosting industry and we saw that unless we started to turn the tide sooner rather than later that our industry was headed for an environmental calamity. In addition we saw secondary benefits to promoting green energy hosting through the web hosting community and how individual web sites could help to promote a more eco friendly consciousness through the web.

We sincerely hope that you will choose a certified green web hosting provider, even if you do not choose to host your site with AppliedHost.

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